
Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Quake Matthews releases “Just Another Love Story” video; pens himself a letter from alcohol

Halifax, NS – After releasing the Classified produced “Just Another Love Story” earlier this month, Quake Matthews returns with a brand new video for the track (which features vocalist Reeny Smith).
Directed by Mark Sawatzky, this video shows us the ongoing love story between Quake Matthews and alcohol. As he drinks his way through dates, performances, and life in general, Quake always seems to find himself within arms reach of a bottle of booze. The bottles of alcohol in the video are all subtly labelled with words – both good and bad – that reflect how Quake has used alcohol over the years: “create”, “destroy”, “indulge”, “break free”, etc.
Check out the video for “Just Another Love Story”, and read Quake’s letter to himself (from alcohol) after the jump.
New music: Quake Matthews gets personal with Love Yourself & Real Friends remixes - HipHopCanada.com

An open letter to Quake from Alcohol

Dear 15-year-old Quake,
I know we have yet to meet, but starting tonight, we are going to become extremely close over the next decade. Do not throw this away MATTHEW, you need to read this…
I’m writing you because I need you take heed to this moment of honesty I’m about to express. Some of this will be painful, but no matter what – stay with me in this letter. I’m positive you’ll thank me later.
I know you’re an anxious kid. Even though there are times that you feel like an outcast, you have to remember that nobody’s perfect but some people are just better at projecting a false reality.
Tonight, we’ll meet at Jer’s birthday party and I promise you it’s going to be one of the best times of your entire life.
What if I told you that your confidence level will be through the roof, your grin will seem as though it’s permanent, and you will even work up the courage to hit on the girl you’ve been admiring from afar at school over the past few weeks? I know what your thinking, but you can thank in me in the morning… that’s if you still want to.
Remember when I told you to take heed to my honesty? Well, this is the part where that comes in. You must’ve heard the cliche “What goes up, must come down”? Tomorrow morning, you’ll be granted a first hand understanding of the second half of that proverb. FYI, when you press your forehead against the cold tiles of the bathroom floor, it tends to relieve the nausea, to a certain extent.
As your passion for music begins transforming from a hobby into a career, we will be seeing a lot more of each other. As your concert crowds begin to snowball, so will your on-stage anxiety. It will get to the point where you begin calling on me to help you get through performances. Eventually, a time will come that you won’t be able to step foot on the stage without me as your back-up singer.
The more you use me, the more comfortable you will feel and even though I may give off the vibe that I enjoy being used, I’ll be seeking payback in ways you least expect. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I have it out for you, but I’m no push-over either.
Let’s start with the good times…
We’ll eventually travel the world together and make incredible memories. We’ll reconnect while boating through canals in Amsterdam and driving through the Hollywood hills in roofless coupes. I’ll be with you while we’re rubbing elbows with a countless number of your childhood heroes and sealing the deal with girls who you thought were way out of your league. It sounds great, right? Just don’t forget about the aforementioned payback because inevitably, I’m coming for it.
See, there’s going to be times where I make you feel like Jesus himself, but in those moments you will fail to realize the outside perception of what’s really going on. For example, there will be times that you swear that you’re on stage performing like Jay-Z, when in actuality, you’re slurring your words and embarrassing yourself with aimless off-colour banter in between songs. You are undoubtably going to wake up filled with shame and regret when you watch the videos of yourself performing, so please, try to go easy on yourself.
As you grow and become more self aware from previous experience, you will knowingly repeat these same mistakes while lacking the self control to prevent them. Trust me, this is going to fuel a fire inside of you that will begin to extinguish your burning desire to succeed. Imagine rehearsing all week to perform in front of 2000 people, then forgetting the words to one of your own songs. I know it sounds devastating, but its going to be a reality.
The more you let yourself down, the more enraged you will become and the more you will put the blame on other people. It will even get to a point where you find yourself in the midst of physical altercations with club bouncers, show promoters, and even close friends that stem from your temper and of course, me. Eventually, word will spread and important figures in the music community will be skeptical about working with you. Remember, the more you’re painted with a dirty brush, the harder it becomes to rinse yourself clean.
With all that being said, my goal isn’t to scare you, it will get better. You will eventually find your place and become more focused then you’ve ever been. You’ll reach accomplishments in your career that felt beyond your grasp at the beginning of this ride together. That brings me to the present day. I heard the song you wrote about me and plan on releasing February 14, 2017. I’m glad we’ve finally reached a point where we truly have a conversation and develop a complete understanding of one another. This isn’t good bye. I’ll always be here for you, waiting, at the bottom of the bottle.

Happy Valentine’s Day 💜

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