
Friday, April 21, 2017

Premiere: You need to watch this new EverythingOShauN video for “Broke”

Brampton, ON – Today is my birthday and I am incredibly excited to announce that I have teamed up with Brampton artist EverythingOShauN for the premiere of his brand new video for “Broke” (which is an incredibly bless birthday gift).
“Broke” is one of my personal favourite records off of Until Now. For this video, EverythingOShauN teamed up with Fatty Soprano and Shutter to deliver a minimalistic visual for the track. The idea is that you don’t need all the bells and whistles to make something special.
If you listen to the record, there’s one line that EverythingOShauN uses on the hook: “broke but still tipping'”. And I think that line so perfectly sums up the approach behind this video. You don’t need stacks of cash to give something value. And you don’t need to let money and appearance define you.
Check out the video premiere for “Broke” below, and scope our Q&A with EverythingOShauN after the jump.

Q&A: EverythingOShauN

HipHopCanada: This was probably one of my favourite songs off Until Now so I am so happy to see you gave it the visual treatment. Talk to me about the vision for this video.
EverythingOShauN: I appreciate that for real. The vision was simple… Shoot a video with minimum everything to drive the essence of the song and also capture the feeling of how it is when I perform the record, as well. Darkness but high energy. It’s a unique position to be in… “Broke” but still tippin’.
HipHopCanada: I noticed you juxtaposed low-fi shots with higher quality shots. Was that an intentional thing to illustrate the juxtaposition between being rich and broke?
EverythingOShauN: Absolutely right. Not to get too philosophical and shit but you really can’t enjoy anything truly without the existence of its opposite. Joy and pain, good and bad… and even down to shots, since the song is really about being in such a situation like “Broke” having the two images shows the struggle and battle between the two.
HipHopCanada: Another thing I noticed about this video was that a lot of the shots were filmed in locations like subways, etc, etc… really minimalistic and not extravagant. But you’re still stunting. So it’s – again – that idea of being “broke” but still “tipping”?
EverythingOShauN: It’s funny because you would never know how many meanings were intended for “Broke” on surface listens alone, for sure. Put it this way… in one sense we as people always end up spending beyond our means because appearances and looking the part is so important to our society nowadays. What people can see… thats what’s important. But also being “Broke” is a state of mind as well, as an actual financial disposition. So if you’re going to be “broke” money-wise, you better make up for it in another way or you’re going to feel that much lower.
HipHopCanada: Who directed this and how did that collaboration come about?
EverythingOShauN: This collaboration was done with the help of the super dope talented director Fatty Soprano and Shutter out of Montreal. Love for what I do musically ultimately connected us and they understand what I’m trying to do visually and graduate to. So I was fortunate to find them and sync up like that. They my brothers now.
HipHopCanada: I think one thing that’s always stood out to me about this track is that being “broke” isn’t just referring to how much money is in the bank. It’s also referring to emotional wealth, and social wealth, and all of that.
EverythingOShauN: There so many levels to broke and being broke and ultimately you don’t want to be every type of broke possible at the same time. If you’re going to have no money you have to be emotionally wealthy because…that’s pretty much all you got at that point. But you’re right overall Sarah. You get it. You get me. I love that. That’s why I love you. You know this though.
HipHopCanada: As always, I love how XP does all your videos with you because I feel like low-key EverythingOShauN is actually a duo of you and XP. What’s the significance of having him in all of your videos with you?
EverythingOShauN: I mean he’s pretty involved with the music. I mean he is my producer and is involved in a lot of my music directions, regardless. So I think one of our strengths is that tag-team that other people don’t really have these days. It’s like how Missy and Timbo used to be… [or] Biggie and Diddy. These days there’s Macklemore and Ryan, and even Majid Jordan. You always see both in the videos. So I think it’s a dope thing to have. Plus he’s a giant so he would stick out regardless.
HipHopCanada: Anything else you want to add?
EverythingOShauN: Happy Birthday to my favourite Sarah Jay. You know I dropped “Broke” on this day for you too, right? You know me love you long time.
Interview conducted by Sarah Jay for HipHopCanada

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